#IniMulti: In favor of responsible business

12.10.2016 ( Last modified: 18.10.2016 )

To date, 120 of the 200 biggest Swiss corporations have no policy regarding human rights. Mandatory measures are necessary to change the tide.

The Responsible Business Initiative demands that all Swiss corporations take human rights and environmental responsibilities. A positive step that would benefit everyone.


Corporate responsibility is beneficial…

For numerous Swiss businesses, respecting human rights and the environment is self-evident. As long as this belief is not shared by all businesses, rules are necessary. Convinced that the Swiss economy would benefit from it, many personalities of the economic milieu support the Responsible Business Initiative.


… high on the agenda…

There is an international trend to reinforce corporate responsibility. In France, a bill supported by the government and the National Assembly plans to force large French companies to respect human rights and the environment. In the United Kingdom, businesses are required to exclude forced and child labor from their production chains. The European Parliament as well as eight EU-member parliaments demand that the EU introduces mandatory due diligence to all European multinationals.


… and achievable

Risk management is a common practice in the business world. Human rights and environmental risks should be integrated to these strategies. Such investment could save lives and prove beneficial for the corporation.

Several multinationals have already taken steps towards this goal, applying due diligence on a voluntary basis. They prove that the Responsible Business Initiative is achievable.

Read the full brochure (in French)
Read more on TRIAL’s fight against corporate crime