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TRIAL has submitted a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee, about the arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and torture of Sarita Devi Sharma from 2003 to 2005 by state security forces, during the armed conflict in Nepal. Disappeared and tortured Sarita Sharma was arbitrarily arrested on 20 October 2003, in Kathmandu by soldiers of the Royal Nepal Ar...

Human Rights defenders from Burundi file cases to the UN

18.12.2013 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
On December 11, 2013, TRIAL completed its first training program in Burundi on how to submit individual complaints before the UN treaty bodies. The eight lawyers and Human Rights defenders who graduated from this 15-month long training received their training diploma during an event organised in their honour with the support of the Human Rights and Justice Section of...

Enforced disappearances in Bosnia and Herzegovina

27.11.2013 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
Enforced disappearances: Bosnia and Herzegovina must implement the UN Human Rights Committee’s Views in Case Prutina et al. vs. BiH says TRIAL. Fikret Prutina, Huso and Nedžad Zlatarac, Safet Kozica, and Salih Čekić, were subjected to enforced disappearance in June 1992. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown to date, while not all those responsible for the crim...

Mexico must do more against enforced disappearances

27.11.2013 - (Last modified: 12.07.2017)
TRIAL and eight local Mexican human rights organizations are submitting a report to the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) assessing the measures taken by Mexico to comply with its obligations under the International Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.   The "war on drugs" initiated by former Mexican presi...

Spain: still no light on enforced disappearances under Franco

18.11.2013 - (Last modified: 12.09.2019)
Globe Global
TRIAL welcomes the UN conclusions calling on Spain to do more to establish the truth on the fate and whereabouts of persons disappeared during the Civil war and Franco’s regime. Most of TRIAL’s recommendations were taken into account by the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances. Spain has now one year to report on the measures adopted to reform its legislation and p...

Stop Pillage: TRIAL welcomes the opening of an investigation

05.11.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
TRIAL and its partners Open Society Justice Initiative and Conflict Awareness Project welcome the decision of the Swiss...
TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) has submitted to the Swiss Federal Prosecutor a criminal denunciation against the precious...
Globe Global
On behalf of the Swiss Coalition for the International Criminal Court (SCICC), TRIAL transmitted today to the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) its position on the ratification and implementation of the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC In June 2010, the Kampala review conference approved two amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC. The...

Torture: BiH is not implementing UN recommendations

13.10.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Sarajevo/Geneva, 14 October 2011 TRIAL (Swiss Association against Impunity), seven associations of relatives of missing persons, seven associations dealing with women victims of sexual violence during the war and four associations dealing with former concentration-camp detainees submit a follow-up report to the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT). In...

Landmark Declaration to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

25.09.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
TRIAL welcomes the landmark declaration to end sexual violence in conflict endorsed yesterday by 113 states on the margins of the UN General Assembly The Declaration recognizes that rape and other forms of sexual violence in conflict represent grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. It stresses that sexual violence must be excluded from amnesty provisions and tha...

TRIAL calls on Spain to tackle enforced disappearances

20.09.2013 - (Last modified: 12.09.2019)
Globe Global
Spain must do much more to implement its international obligations concerning enforced disappearance, says TRIAL in its report to the United Nations (UN). TRIAL is submitting a report to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances(CED) on the measures to be taken by Spain to implement its international obligations. The NGO points out that Spanish legislation doe...

Switzerland: TRIAL submits its views on dictators' assets law

16.09.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
Globe Global
TRIAL submits its views to the Swiss Government (the Federal Council) relating the project of a new federal law on the freezing and restitution of assets of illicit origin linked to politically exposed persons (LBVR). Considering its limited mandate, namely the fight against impunity in cases of crimes under international law (genocide, crimes against humanity, war...
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