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Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2025 - Following the takeover by the March 23 Movement (M23) of the city of Bukavu in S...
Commentary written by activists Fatou Baldeh, CEO of Women in Liberation & Leadership (WILL); Nana-Jo Ndow, founder...
Illustration article_Sonko case_The Republic
The fight against impunity does not require the use of the death penalty. TRIAL International expresses its deep...

Ending the cycle of impunity in Ukraine and beyond!

13.02.2024 - (Last modified: 15.02.2024)
Two years ago, the world watched with dismay as Russian forces invaded Ukraine. This conflict, far from fading, continues to claim lives, destroy critical infrastructure and blatantly violate international law. Civilians, the primary victims of this tragedy, are suffering atrocities that should never occur again. I have personally witnessed the devastating...

Universal jurisdiction in action: victims finally heard!

12.12.2023 - (Last modified: 18.12.2023)
Globe Global
A message from Ingrid Beauquis, Director of Fundraising and Communications If you’ve been following us for a while, you have probably noticed that we often refer to the principle of universal jurisdiction, but what does it actually mean? Universal jurisdiction is a legal principle that allows - and sometimes requires - any State to exercise jurisdiction over s...
A message from Benoit Meystre, Legal Advisor (International Investigations and Litigation program) and Philip Grant, Exe...
Globe Global
TRIAL International wishes to submit a Public Comment to the Oversight Board replying to the following issue: How Meta s...

Let's hold economic actors accountable!

02.03.2023 - (Last modified: 14.03.2023)
Authoritarian and dictatorial regimes are not alone in attacking human rights. In a globalized economy, where mult...
Words from Isaac Mensah, son of Peter Mensah, one of the 56 West African migrants killed in 2005   While the Unit...
Words from Ghislaine Bisimwa, TRIAL International’s Legal Advisor based in Bukavu   In South Kivu, where I have b...
Words from Ram Maya Nakarmi, whose husband was taken away in 2003   When they came for Padam, Ram Maya Nakarmi's husband, everything went very quickly. She told me that she begged the security personnel to let her accompany them to the station. They refused but promised that her husband would come back the next day... Since then, 18 years have passed. [cap...
Words from Semka Agic, survivor of conflict-related sexual violence   More than 20,000 women and men were raped...
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