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Since April 2015, Burundi is the scene of a massive increase in violence. Severe violations of human rights are regularl...
Globe Global
Portraits of volunteers #6 Since 2018, twelve volunteers have taken on the specific mission of translating TRIAL Intern...
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A message from Philip Grant, Executive Director Dear friends, We are looking back on one more productive year marked...
TRIAL International and its partner in Kathmandu, the Human Rights and Justice Centre, have trained 14 human rights defe...

Profits should not trump human rights

16.12.2019 - (Last modified: 20.02.2020)
Globe Global
A message from Benedict de Moerloose, Head of International Investigations and Litigation Program Switzerland often hig...
Globe Global
TRIAL International and the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) welcome the opening of a formal criminal investigatio...
A message from Selma Korjenic, Head of Bosnia and Herzegovina Program Dear friends,  I am writing to you from Bosnia...
It will have taken seven years for this Colonel of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) to be brought before the judges....

Victims of the worst atrocities need your support!

09.12.2019 - (Last modified: 26.11.2019)
A message from Daniele Perissi, Head of Great Lakes Program   Dear friends, In the Democratic Republic of th...
Globe Global
TRIAL International publishes a handbook on the use of photo and video evidence in criminal trials. This guide, designed...

Together, let’s reinforce a culture of human rights in Nepal!

03.12.2019 - (Last modified: 02.12.2019)
A message from Ranjeeta Silwal, Human Rights Coordinator   Dear friends, I am writing to you from Nepal. In...
On 28 November 2019, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (FSC) upheld Erwin Sperisen's sentence to 15 years in prison. In Ap...
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