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Lenin Bista was born in 1990. In 2002, as civil war raged in Nepal, he joined the Maoist party, thus becoming one of th...
Globe Global
Denis von der Weid is the founder and president of the Antenna Foundation, which has been supporting TRIAL Internationa...
The way to justice is often a long and arduous process for the victims of sexual violence who try to assert their rights...
An op-ed by Philip Grant, Executive director at TRIAL International On 12 August 2019 we celebrate the 70thanniversary...
Globe Global
Portraits of volunteers #4 Since 2018, twelve volunteers have taken on the specific mission of translating TRIAL Intern...
To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva, S...
Can videos taken with a smartphone help prosecute and punish mass crimes? This is the goal of the eyeWitness project; se...
The Government of Nepal has failed to fulfill its commitment to provide justice for the victims of the country’s decade-...

“I help popularize topics that deserve greater attention”

24.07.2019 - (Last modified: 11.09.2019)
Globe Global
Portraits of volunteers #3 Since 2018, twelve volunteers have taken on the specific mission of translating TRIAL Intern...

On International Justice Day, skepticism and criticism welcome !

17.07.2019 - (Last modified: 30.07.2019)
Globe Global
As we celebrate the 21st World Day for International Justice, it can hardly be denied that this anniversary has lost som...

“I support TRIAL’s holistic approach to fighting impunity”

12.07.2019 - (Last modified: 11.09.2019)
Globe Global
Portraits of volunteers #2 Since 2018, twelve volunteers have taken on the specific mission of translating TRIAL Intern...
Emmanuelle Marchand is a Senior Legal Counsel and Investigator for the NGO Civitas Maxima. Like TRIAL International, it...
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