A new lease of life for TRIAL International


TRIAL International already started its metamorphosis in 2016 during the launch of its new identity. And now, the organization takes on a new internal project: organizational development that will enable it to cement its rapid growth in the past few years.

In 2003, one year and after its inception, TRIAL International (which was then named TRIAL – Track Impunity Always), consisted of 95 members, none of which were paid employees. It currently has more than 30 employees on fixed-term contracts in 7 different countries and several thousand members.

The need to restructure in order to tackle current and future challenges has gradually become more evident. And it is naturally that a process of internal development started in the end of 2017.

As an organization of the civil society, we should always work towards more efficiency and sustainability”, explains Philip Grant, Director of TRIAL International. “It goes with our legal expertise, but also with an optimization of our work habits.”


A collective and consultative approach

The organizational development will provide clearer roles for each stakeholder and enhance collaboration between a cross section of programs. The internal expertise, for example regarding sexual violence and investigation techniques, will be therefore better exploited. This expertise will also be accessible to external actors, as TRIAL seeks to develop around her a network of NGOs working in the same field.

The process earns its legitimacy in what made TRIAL’s strength until now: a fully-fledged commitment from its staff, in Geneva as in the field. All the employees are therefore actors of the process, which aspire to be as transparent and consultative as possible. A steering group and thematic sub group ensure that all employees are apprised and represented.


Specialized partners in civil society actors

To accompany its transition, TRIAL International benefits from the support of its expert partners: : in part from the PeaceNexus Foundation, which provides advice and expertise to actors working to consolidate peace and finances such pursuits, and from Philanthropy Advisors on the other hand, a consultancy firm in the humanitarian field.

This organizational development will enable us to work more efficiently, and to better serve the victims that we represent. It is a pledge of maturity and credibility for the organization that we can rejoice in”, concludes Philip Grant.

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