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Libya: justice for the victims of Gaddafi regime

02.06.2014 ( Last modified: 12.07.2017 )

The United Nations has just adopted a landmark decision condemning Libya for the enforced disappearance of Jaballa Hamed Matar and Izzat Yousef Al-Maqrif, two high-ranking political opponents of Colonel Gaddafi’s regime whose fate and whereabouts remain unknown since 1990.

If this decision doesn’t disclose the truth on the final fate of the two political leaders, it however acknowledges a relentless 24-year struggle carried out by the families of the disappeared.

Their sons, Hisham Matar and Youcif Almegaryaf, along with TRIAL, welcome this long-awaited step and urge Libya to turn the page on this dark chapter of human rights violations by undertaking all measures to shed light on the fate of their fathers and thousands other missing persons.

Libya has now 180 days to take action and inform the UN Human Rights Committee on the measures taken to implement the decision, in particular to:

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