A pilot project to facilitate access to justice

14.06.2016 ( Last modified: 27.02.2017 )

An EU project, carried out in collaboration with the UNDP, will allow TRIAL International to extend its efforts in the fight against impunity in Eastern DRC.

Thanks to its expertise with regard to access to justice, TRIAL International was approached by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to participate in a project designed to improve the Congolese justice system. The project is carried out together with the European Union, its main contributor.

The project aims at fighting international crime by facilitating victims’ access to justice. It is based on two priorities: on one hand, at the national level, developing the role of civil jurisdictions; on the other hand, promoting the access of victims to regional and international bodies such as the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

The first stage of the project will run until 2018. Within this framework, TRIAL International, already present in South Kivu, should extend its efforts to the province of Katanga, infamous for the prevailing impunity in the area.