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Wednesday 22 November 2017, a historical verdict convicted Ratko Mladic, referred to by his detractors as “the Butcher o...

Nepal: Human rights excluded from the political sphere

16.11.2017 - (Last modified: 21.11.2017)
Legislative elections will be held on 26 November and 7 December this year in the small Himalayan republic. Unfortunatel...
Nepal, ©Kaushal Sapkota
Sarajevo, 14 November 2017 – The NGO TRIAL International urges BiH authorities to adopt without further delay a set of l...
On 9 November, Pre-trial ICC judges have announced that they have authorized the ICC prosecutor to open an investigation...

Kavumu trial maintained to 9 November

09.11.2017 - (Last modified: 22.11.2017)
Geneva, 9 November 2017 - After several days of uncertainty, the trial for the Kavumu rapes will finally open today in B...
Mrs. A. (real name withheld) was raped during the war. Now she is stuck between unenforced compensation and stringent s...

The Kavumu child rape cases: Finally, a trial

02.11.2017 - (Last modified: 09.11.2017)
UPDATE: due to unforeseen circumstances, the trial will start on 9 November 2017.   Bukavu, Geneva, New-York, 2...

Kavumu case: young girls abducted at night and raped

31.10.2017 - (Last modified: 17.06.2020)
Kavumu is a particularly poor village situated in the province of South Kivu, in Eastern DRC. Not far from the provincia...
Today, Burundi’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will come into effect – a sa...
(Banjul, The Gambia, October 21, 2017) - Victims of the former Gambian government of Yahya Jammeh and Gambian and intern...

Burundi: enforced disappearances “systematic and widespread”

16.10.2017 - (Last modified: 22.02.2019)
TRIAL International and the FOCODE denounce with a common voice the widespread crimes in Burundi to the UN Working Group...
The United Nations Commission of Inquiry reckoned that crimes against humanity had been committed in Burundi since 2015....
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