Sperisen trial: new hearings before the Geneva Court of Justice


The third trial of Erwin Sperisen will open on Monday 16 April 2018 in Geneva. TRIAL International is confident it will shed a light on the role of the former head of the Guatemalan police, who is accused of 10 extrajudicial executions.

This new episode follows the Federal’s Tribunal quash of the Geneva Court of Justice verdict in July 2017. This decision had not acquitted the accused, and on the contrary confirmed several points against him, notably:

  • The murder of seven detainees at the Pavon prison had been planned. In no way were they the result of an armed confrontation.
  • In an attempt to cover the deeds, the crime scene had been manipulated to make it look like a confrontation.
  • No investigation followed the death of the detainees.
  • The mother of a victim was confirmed as a plaintiff in the proceedings.

TRIAL International regrets that these facts are once against put into question, in a campaign aiming at delegitimizing the role of justice.

TRIAL International hopes that the hearings opening on 16 April will unfold serenely, in full respect of the rights of all parties, and that they will confirm the criminal responsibility of Erwin Sperisen.

Read more on the first condemnation of Erwin Sperisen
The case at a glance

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