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Together, let’s fight for more justice in Kasaï!

19.02.2020 - (Last modified: 09.04.2020)
A message from Daniele Perissi, Head of Great Lakes Program   Dear friends,  How can a country lift itself o...
Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh seems to be preparing the ground for a return to The Gambia. TRIAL International r...
It will have taken seven years for this Colonel of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) to be brought before the judges....

Shining verdict in the Kokodikoko case (DRC)

19.11.2019 - (Last modified: 05.06.2024)
Three former militiamen, including the infamous warlord Kokodikoko, have been condemned for crimes against humanity. The...
The United Nations Human Rights Council has prolonged the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi for one more y...
An op-ed by Pamela Capizzi Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court, refusal to collaborate with the UN, polit...
They terrorized a dozen villages in South Kivu. Arrested in April 2019, rebel leader Frédéric Masudi Alimasi, alias Kok...
Former Bosnian Serb police officer Darko Mrđa will have to serve a 20 years sentence for crimes against humanity. In Aug...
Can videos taken with a smartphone help prosecute and punish mass crimes? This is the goal of the eyeWitness project; se...
The hearings began in November 2018, yet they are still far from over. Why? The trial of warlord Ntabo Ntaberi, known a...
Just one year ago, the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC) recognized the existence of a civil war in Algeria during the...
On 5 May we mark the 7th anniversary of the massacres of Lumenje and Kamananga, in South Kivu (DRC), where 48 people wer...
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