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TRIAL International contributed to the ‘An Environmental Compact for Ukraine’ report titled ‘A Green Future: Recommendations for Accountability and Recovery’ published in February 2024. Our recommendations include a number of strategic reflections regarding the investigation and prosecution through extraterritorial jurisdiction of international crimes resulting in...
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Invitation to an online launch TRIAL International is pleased to invite you to the launch of its new online tool: the U...
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Conflict in Ukraine and accountability for economic actors: universal jurisdiction increasingly instrumental in the figh...

2021 Activity Report

24.05.2022 - (Last modified: 20.06.2023)
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TRIAL International's 2021 Activity Report is now available here. (C) UN Photo - John Isaac[/caption] To receive a print copy, please contact TRIAL’s secretariat. Re-discover the Activity Report 2020.
Deep-rooted structural deficiencies have resulted in impunity for human rights violations in Burundi. Based on its own e...
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TRIAL International’s 2019 Activity Report is out. With new victories to salute and a closer support than ever to victim...
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TRIAL International has compiled an analysis of the repercussions of the coronavirus on the fight against impunity and t...
TRIAL International and its partner in Kathmandu, the Human Rights and Justice Centre (HRJC), have submitted a detailed...

Prosecuting international crimes: a matter of willingness

05.05.2020 - (Last modified: 07.05.2020)
How do different countries prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture and enforced disappearance?...
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The latest Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) salutes the rise of universal jurisdiction cases worldwide. It al...
The denial of genocide, the Holocaust, crimes against humanity and war crimes is used by a growing portion of the politi...
The Burundi Human Rights Initiative (BHRI) published a report exposing the drivers of human rights violations in the cou...
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