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In partnership with over 40 Burundian and international NGOs, TRIAL International co-signed a letter to the Permanent Re...

Giving close support to victims in DRC

21.08.2020 - (Last modified: 20.08.2020)
In order to reach out to the most isolated populations, many Congolese organizations do not hesitate to enter the heart...

Yahya Jammeh

29.07.2020 - (Last modified: 04.04.2022)
Facts Yahya Jammeh was born in 1969 in Kanilai in Gambia. In 1984, he entered gendarmerie and gradually made his way to the top, reaching the position of commander of the military police, a position which he held between 1991 and 1992. On 22 July 1994, he came to power following a coup d’état. A transitional government was subsequently established and lasted until 19...

Enforced disappearances in Burundi, a widespread practice

28.07.2020 - (Last modified: 05.01.2021)
Since 2015, several political opponents and activists have disappeared without a trace. Burundian authorities, which hav...
The world discovered with horror, just 25 years ago, that barbarism was not a thing of the past. Within a few days start...
The 19 June marks the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. This day is a reminder that...
Joint declaration from civil society organizations On 20 May 2020, Burundian citizens will vote on triple presidential,...
Convicted last year for the rape of a woman during the war, the perpetrator has paid the compensation awarded to the sur...
Globe Global
Following recent attacks on the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Coalition for the ICC called on all State Partie...
TRIAL International welcomes a verdict of the Supreme Court of Nepal which continues its decision of restricting amnesty...
Georges was arbitrarily arrested in Burundi and tortured during his time in detention. TRIAL International has taken his...

Sexual violence: stigma at all levels

31.03.2020 - (Last modified: 11.05.2020)
What could a Serbian grandmother, a Congolese child and a former beauty queen from The Gambia possibly have in common? A...
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