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A message from Salina Kafle, Human Rights Coordinator   Sakhi means friend in Nepalese and it is the pseudonym...
A message from Lamija Tiro, Legal Advisor This year, a survivor of sexual violence finally received international recog...
After nearly 28 years, the survivor of a rape committed during the war in Foča finally saw her two attackers convicted i...
Three years of crimes, over 40 victims, two defendants: the trial of two members of the Raya Mutomboki Hamakombo militia...
On 19 July 2020, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) rendered its’ first decisio...

Giving close support to victims in DRC

21.08.2020 - (Last modified: 20.08.2020)
In order to reach out to the most isolated populations, many Congolese organizations do not hesitate to enter the heart...

How many victims are still waiting for justice to be done?

22.06.2020 - (Last modified: 18.06.2020)
A message from Selma Korjenic, Head of the Bosnia and Herzegovina program Dear friends, I am writing to you from TRI...
The 19 June marks the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. This day is a reminder that...
TRIAL International and its partner in Kathmandu, the Human Rights and Justice Centre (HRJC), have submitted a detailed...
Joint declaration from civil society organizations On 20 May 2020, Burundian citizens will vote on triple presidential,...
Convicted last year for the rape of a woman during the war, the perpetrator has paid the compensation awarded to the sur...
The trial against Anwar Raslan and Eyad al-Gharib, two former officers of the Syrian government's security apparatus ope...
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