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Virtual exhibition: "The Duty to Remember"

18.11.2020 - (Last modified: 12.01.2021)
Remembrance is an essential step in the transitional justice process. With this in mind, the NGO ANEKED has created "The...
TRIAL International is hoping the Supreme Court will back the United Nations and rule that the six-months statute of lim...
Murals glorifying war criminals, graffiti of fascist symbols, fascist slogans being chanted at football matches, the den...
In March 2011, TRIAL International assisted six Palestinian families with their criminal complaint against the Swiss sub...
On 22 October 2019, four Burundian journalists were arrested and convicted on charges against state security for simply...

Towards ending corporate impunity?

16.10.2020 - (Last modified: 26.11.2020)
On November 29th, Swiss citizens will be called to the polls. They will notably be asked to vote on the Responsible Busi...
In November 2013, for the first time in its history, TRIAL International initiated proceedings against a company before...
Why do so few victims in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) receive reparations even as the number of conviction...

Bosnian Parliament in favor of reducing public attorneys’ fees

08.10.2020 - (Last modified: 07.10.2020)
On 15 September 2020, the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has ado...
TRIAL International welcomes the extension of the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi. Although ending impun...
Anti-pandemic measures have eased slightly in Nepal, allowing TRIAL International’s local partner, the Human Rights and...

Pillage, an international crime with disastrous consequences

01.10.2020 - (Last modified: 13.11.2020)
A message from Elisa Quiroz, Legal Advisor, International Litigation and Investigation   Dear friends, When...
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