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Nepal has made no real progress on questions of justice, truth and reparations for victims of gross human rights violati...
For its first venture in the Kasai region, TRIAL International has partnered with the medical NGO Physicians for Human R...

Shining verdict in the Kokodikoko case (DRC)

19.11.2019 - (Last modified: 05.06.2024)
Three former militiamen, including the infamous warlord Kokodikoko, have been condemned for crimes against humanity. The...

The Gambia: The ear of Banjul

14.11.2019 - (Last modified: 15.09.2021)
Silvia Lorenzi is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in Banjul, The Gambia’s capital. She has been working with...
The military tribunal in Bukavu sentenced a sergeant of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC)...

TRIAL International before the UN Security Council

05.11.2019 - (Last modified: 14.11.2019)
On 5 November 2019, TRIAL International had the opportunity to address the United Nations Security Council regarding the...
On 30 October 2019, Radomir Šušnjar, also known as “Lalco”, was found guilty for the murder of 57 Bosniaks in Višegrad,...
Geneva, Bern, 4 August 2011 The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and TRIAL – Swiss Association against Impunity – filed today a criminal complaint with the Federal Attorney General against the former Major General Jagath Dias for war crimes. Although the STP and TRIAL have invited the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) on several occasions to take act...
Globe Global
Major trials in Eastern DRC such as in the Kokodikoko, Mutarule and Kavumu cases all share a common practice: mobile cou...
Four years after suffering severe torture, Miriam is still struggling with the psychological consequences. Yet the Burun...
Globe Global
Sonja Maeder-Morvant joined the Committee of TRIAL International in May 2019. An attorney-at-law at the Geneva Bar, she...
In Burundi, opposition to President Pierre Nkurunziza’s bid for a third mandate was met with repression across the coun...
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